This tool provides a simple method for capturing network communications on a smartphone or other Wi-Fi enabled device, allowing for rapid analysis. It can be utilized to detect any dubious or harmful communication originating from a smartphone by utilizing heuristics or IoCs.
The team came up with the idea to create a small kiosk device that could be operated by non-technical individuals to test their phones for any malicious communications that may have been initiated by stalkerware or other spyware. The kiosk would be based on Raspberry Pi technology and would serve as a simple and efficient solution to this problem.
It is not limited to detecting ordinary threats, as it can also identify any harmful communications originating from cybercriminals or even state-sponsored cyberattacks. Additionally, TinyCheck empowers users to expand their detection capabilities by adding their own Indicators of Compromise through a backend system, which enables them to detect hidden threats that may be present in their network communications.
TinyCheck can be used in several ways by individuals and entities:
- Over a network - TinyCheck is installed on a network and can be accessed from a workstation via a browser.
- In kiosk mode - TinyCheck can be used as a kiosk to allow visitors to test their own devices.
- Fully standalone - By using a powerbank, two Wi-Fi interfaces or a 4G dongle and a small touch screen like in this video, you can tap any device anywhere.
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